This is not my writing and I don't know who wrote it, but it means alot to me.

We should have been holding each other
Instead we talked
One wants more
When one is denied
I won't call it love
But it feels good to have passion in my life
I guess I am crazy to think
I can give you what you don't want
I can't think of anything else
I wish I had the power
To make these feelings stop
I can't believe
It's so hard to find someone
To give affection to
And from whom you can receive
I guess it's the draw of the cards
You've caught me off gaurd
Somehow you reached me
Where I thought I had nothing left inside
I've been change
I've spent my nights
Not by your side
It feels lonely
Once again I've left to much to chance
Here I sit
Feeling sorry for myself
I'm quite a sight
But I have you to thank
For reminding me
We are all alone in this world.


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